Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Write Definition Essay correctly
Write Definition Essay correctly How to write a Definition Essay Definition Essay is a personal, but academic definition of one particular word. The description of this word must be long and very thorough. There is no doubt that this word should be very interesting so that you can write a lot of information about it. The purpose of writing Definition Essay is to teach students to give definitions to words competently and maximally deployed. Below is a series of tips on how to write a good Definition Essay. In the beginning there was a word... No, it's not about the Bible. Simply you need to choose a complex word with an abstract meaning. If this is a simple word, like a "rabbit", you simply will not be able to write enough about it. The concept of Definition Essay implies the use of a word that denotes an idea, not a person, an animal or an object. Because the idea will give more material to study. The essay about the rabbit can be very funny and interesting, but maybe boring. However, if we move on to something more abstract, for example, to the word "outskirts", we immediately have a large space for reflection. The word you choose should be controversial. For example, it must mean different things to different people. If we recall the definition of an essay, then we will understand that it is subjective. In the essay, you analyze and define the word from your point of view. It is very important that the description of the word be unique so that it does not coincide with the description of the same word from another student. Otherwise, the teacher will decide that your essay lacks depth. Choose only the word that you are familiar with. For example, if you do not know what "sophisticated" is, do not use this word in your work. You must have your own knowledge of this word so that your definition is as unique as possible. Read the dictionary definition Do not think that you need to rely only on the definition of the dictionary. But familiarity with the official definition is useful. So you will compare your understanding of the meaning of the word with its scientific explanation. The definition of the dictionary will give you food for thought. This is information from which you will start. For example, in a dictionary, such definition of the word "criminal" is written: "One who has committed something unauthorized, banned or harmful to anyone or anything." You have your own beliefs and ideas about who the criminal is. However, you should rely on the basic definition. Interview your friends In order to make it easier for you to make a detailed description of your word, we offer you the following exercise. Ask each of your friends or parents to give their definition of this word. Write down each definition. Then answer the following questions: 1. What definition did most of the people you interviewed give? 2. What definitions are beneficial? 3. What definitions are disadvantages? 4. What is the difference between the values? 5. Is there a correlation between these values? 6. What is in common between the definition of the dictionary and the definition your friend gave you? 7. Â Is there anything in common in the definitions given by one group of people (for example, women, men, young people, elderly people). In addition to the survey and the dictionary, you can use other sources: 1. The Internet; 2. Television; 3. Books; 4. Journals; 5. Questionnaires on social networks. The origins of words also matter Do not forget to read the meaning of the word in the Oxford English Dictionary. This is an etymological dictionary that describes the origins of a word, its history. It says that this word meant earlier, what it means today. All this is useful additional information for your essay. Do an in-depth analysis In the main part of the essay, you need to analyze the selected word. Analyze each part of it in a separate paragraph. For example, the word "relationship" can be divided into two words: "relation" and "ship". In order to analyze each part of the word, use classification and negation. But remember that this principle is suitable only for words that contain several parts. For example, the word "like" cannot be divided. Then carry out the classification of the term. You must specify which classes and parts of speech belong to the word according to the definition of the dictionary. An unknown term you can compare with a known. For example, not everyone knows the word "campaigner". Â It means a person who serves in the house (butler) or means a person who participates in the election campaign. Conduct explanations using concepts that are accessible to the common man. Compose the structure of the essay In the first part of Definition Essay, place the standard definition from the dictionary. Next, specify your own definition, so that the reader can compare it with the standard definition, find similarities and differences. Next, describe the origin of the word, conduct its classification and analysis. The next part should be devoted to analyzing your definition of this word. You need to divide the parts of the definition into separate paragraphs. Create a complete picture of this term. In the last paragraph, summarize and draw a conclusion. When Definition Essay is ready, do not forget to check it for grammatical and spelling errors.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Introduction to Squinting Modifier
Introduction to Squinting Modifier A squinting modifier is an ambiguous modifier (commonly an adverb, such as only) that appears to qualify the words both before and after it. Also called a two-way modifier or squinting construction. A squinting modifier can usually be corrected by changing its position in the sentence. Examples and Observations Here are some examples of a squinting modifier: What you hear often you will believe.Instructors who cancel classes rarely are reprimanded.We agreed at our first meeting to implement the new procedures.The governor threatened after his reelection to increase motor vehicle license fees.I told Merdine when the game was over I would drive her to the bingo hall.Here are some things you might not know we’d like to share.We cant accept completely abstract logic is ambiguous. The adverb completely could modify either the verb preceding it or the adjective following it. Such a modifier is sometimes called a squinting modifierit seems to look in two directions at once. Squinting modifiers can be hard to find when were looking over what weve written, because we ourselves, of course, know what we mean, and the grammar is not incorrect, just ambiguous. The example could be made unambiguous by making it either We cant completely accept abstract logic or We cant accept logic that is completely abstract. For the second meaning, we have to make the sentence more complicated and use a relative clause, because in the original sentence there is no position for completely that will make it unambiguously the modifier of abstract.(Edward D. Johnson, The Handbook of Good English. Simon Schuster, 1991) The Placement of Only I am only buying organic apples these days.The children only know how to imitate vampires and zombies.Theoretically at least, the placement of only affects the meaning of a sentence . . .. But in practice I only want one, I want one only, and I want only one all have the same meaning, despite differences in rhythm and emphasis. Although you may have learned that only should always directly precede the word it modifies, most contemporary writers on style qualify that rule, pointing out that sentences like these sound stilted and unnatural: Maybe millions of people go by, but I have eyes for only you.And where will it all end only God Knows. In each of the examples, you expect to find only where the adverb usually goes, before the verb, and the unnatural placement impedes the reading. . . . [W]hen only falls into its idiomatic place without causing ambiguity, let it stand.But without causing ambiguity is an important qualification. You can sometimes muddle a sentence by putting only before the verb instead of before the word it modifies. If, for example, you write that The committee only seemed interested in their proposal, readers wont necessarily understand seemed interested only in their proposal. Perhaps the committee was only feigning interest. . . . So take care with your onlys. (Claire Kehrwald Cook, Line by Line: How to Edit Your Own Writing. Houghton Mifflin, 1985) Only a Handbook Problem? The squinting modifier resides chiefly in college-level handbooks. The term is used as an adverb or phrase that stands between two sentence elements and can be taken to modify either what precedes or what follows. Let us look at an example sent to us from a correspondent in Korea: The store that had a big sale recently went bankrupt. Here recently can be interpreted as modifying either the preceding or following part. But the content of the sentence suggests it is a learners sentence; a native speaker would not be likely to convey the information in such a flat and unspecific manner. The examples of the squinting modifier shown in college handbooks are comparable to the one we have used here, and they seem pretty unlikely to occur in actual writing. (Merriam-Websters Concise Dictionary of English Usage, 2002)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Response of the Catholic Church to Nazi Anti-Semitism Term Paper
The Response of the Catholic Church to Nazi Anti-Semitism - Term Paper Example The Catholic Church offered no coordinated and widespread resistance to anti-Semitism, although many individuals either protested or acted clandestinely to save the lives of Jews. One might have hoped that, with the advent of the brutal anti-Semitism of the Nazi regime, the traditional anti-Jewish tradition in the Catholic Church would have been cast aside in favor of solicitude and concern for the persecuted. However, several historians have characterized anti-Semitism as a policy area in which National Socialism and the Catholic Church had considerable common ground. Generally, the response of the Church was inaction. At the highest level, the Pope failed to issue public condemnations of the atrocities being committed across the continent, of which he was made aware. However, it should be noted that, despite the failure of the Church as a coordinating institution to protest, many Catholic individuals protested actively and often heroically, and that privately, even the Pope tried to save some Jews from the death camps. While the widespread reluctance to act may have been partly motivated by a Christian tradition of anti-Semitism, the fear of reprisals agains t European Catholics was also a strong factor. In general terms, once Hitler had been established as Chancellor and had begun to consolidate his hold on the German government, the Catholic Church as an institution sought an understanding with the new regime, despite many of its less savory policies. In March 1933, in the course of a conference of bishops at Fulda, the Catholic Church in Germany abandoned its previously hostile stance towards the National Socialist movement, stating that ‘there was a reason to be confident’ that previous ‘prohibitions and warnings may no longer be necessary’ (Bracher, 479). At the same time, negotiations began for a concordat between the Church in Rome and the Nazi administration in Berlin.Â
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Preparing Facilitators Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Preparing Facilitators - Essay Example Facilitative training is a closely controlled information passing technique with defined participant roles (facilitator and trainees). Training sessions are typically held in a seminar format with multiple participants guided by a succinct agenda under the direction of a facilitator. This method is most effective for introducing new material to learners operating from the same knowledge base - for example, reviewing workplace policies with newly hired employees. Facilitative training begins with an overview of its purpose and a clarification of the training goals. The subject matter is then presented to participants and includes opportunities for discussion or question and answer periods which validate learning and goal achievement at an established pace. The role of the facilitator, who may or may not be a subject matter expert, is to clarify and attain learning goals, maintain order, create a comfortable environment that encourages open communication, ensure accuracy of information provided, gather information from learners and provide closure on punchlist items (those issues that arise which cannot be addressed during the session). Unlike facilitation, coaching is generally a more informal, individual and hands-on method, which involves a learner and a mentor. Research by Eraut et al (1998, p.48) has shown the importance of informal learning in the workplace and highlights that knowledge is "held by individuals" from whom other people need to learn. The coaching process entails defined goals, explicit step-by-step instructions given by the coach to the learner, technique demonstration by both coach and learner, review of the instructions followed by organized practice and concludes with feedback from the coach regarding learner's goal attainment. The role of the coach, who is likely to be a subject matter expert, is to ensure that each learner grasps both the subjective and objective aspects of the training. This ensures that when necessary, critical methods are employed by the learner (for example, patient case records are accurately completed) but individual work preferences can be recognized (for example, patient records may be completed during the course of treatment or after treatment is concluded). Behavioral rehearsal training is designed to be a simple, short, structured and skill-specific process that applies Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory through peer observation, feedback and practice. Social learning Theory focuses on the learning that occurs within a social context and considers that people learn from one another, including such concepts as observational learning, imitation, and modeling. (Ormrod, 1999) That is to say, people can learn by observing the behaviors of others and the outcomes of those behaviors. The process of behavioral rehearsal entails: stating a purpose, describing a skill and scenario,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Organization Structure Presentation Essay Example for Free
Organization Structure Presentation Essay Marketing. Terry Davenport is a senior vice-president of Starbucks who leads the marketing department. He oversees the sales organization structure, the marketing structure and cross-functional project teams with their own structure, effectively affecting the organizational structure of the organization as a whole. Finance. Peter J. Bocian as the chief financial officer of the company under analysis. The financial function of the firm has access to key decision makers, and the structure of the company was created to force this. For instance, in the case of Starbucks, centralization became possible with new accounting technology. Human Resources. The management of Starbucks’ human resources affect organizational structure in a way that these resources are overseen as one large structure that encompasses the entire firm with several smaller structures supporting the functions of recruiting, benefits and training. Operations. As chief operating officer, Martin Coles of Starbucks adapts to the continuously evolving internal operations of the business, which impacts the organizational framework by having more structure. The operations function also helps to create and support a system of management hierarchy, authority, power and control. Partner Resources. As executive vice-president and Partner Resources head, Chet  Kuchinad is able to affect organizational structure through the inclusion of organizational links connecting partners to the parent corporation that would then account for the accumulation of profits for reinvestment. Technology. Chris Bruzzo, chief technology officer, influence organizational structure through linking mechanisms that facilitate lateral relations among the organization’s many units such as the ones mentioned above. Research has shown that an IT-based change leads to a single impact or shift in organizational structure  an intervention occurs and a new stable structure results (Earl, 1996).
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Edwin Hubble :: essays research papers fc
Edwin Hubble      Edwin Powell Hubble was born on the 20th of November in 1889. He lived in Marshfield, Missouri along with his family. He was said to be a very tall, elegant, and athletic young man. Edwin had a mom, dad, three sisters, and two brothers. His mom and dad were named John Powell and Virginia James Hubble. His sisters were Virginia, Helen, and Lucy Lee. Edwin's two brothers were named Henry and William. William died as a student at a college in Wisconsin and Virginia died when she was a very young girl.      When Edwin attended high school he got a scholarship to go to the University of Chicago, but, unfortunately he had to share the scholarship with another student. After a few years Edwin decided to try Queens College located in Oxford, but later went back to the University of Chicago for postgraduate work. Edwin, at age thirty, had an undergraduate degree in astronomy and mathematics, a legal degree as a Rhodes scholar, followed by a PhD in astronomy. Edwin Hubble originally started out as a lawyer. For one year he taught Spanish and mathematics for New Albany High School. He also coached a basketball team. The high school dedicated their yearbook to Edwin Hubble that year. Finally after teaching at the high school Edwin went to Yerkes Observatory to be an astronomer. He was the very first person to try a two hundred inch telescope. Edwin Hubble served for two years in the military. Edwin also served in WWI, and met the rank of a major. In 1919, for the rest of his life Edwin would go to and worked at Mount Wilson Observatory in California in.      Edwin Hubble had many great accomplishments as an astronomer in his lifetime. Some of Edwin Hubble's greatest accomplishments were: Edwin Hubble proposed a classification system for nebulae, which are fuzzy little patches of light that are up in the sky. He discovered a variable star, called the Cepheid. It is located in the Andromeda Nebulae. Edwin Hubble settled decisively the question of the nature of the galaxies. Edwin Hubble's distribution of galaxies was determined to be homogeneous in distance. Edwin wanted to classify the galaxies according to their content, distance, shape, and pattern of brightness. By observing redshifts Edwin saw that galaxies were moving away from each other at a rate constant to the distance between them (this is known as Hubble's Law).
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
AIDS and the pharmaceutical industry
The virus is present in blood and all body fluids and is known to be spread through exchange of fluids from an infected person to another person through sexual intercourse sharing of needles or even through embryonic fluid from a mother to an unborn foetus.It mostly attacks the immune system reducing the CD4 cells that are vital in the safe guarding the normal physiological function of the body making the body more prone to attack by other diseases for example tuberculosis. AIDS has affected a massive number of people in the third world countries especially in Africa where presence of sophiscated laboratories for research was a mere dream.In the late 1980s ARVS were introduced and were thought to cure AIDS but they were too expensive to be afforded by many people especially in the developing nations where poverty levels are very high. AIDS spread at a very fast rate and there was need to curb this rate of new infections.The need to produce drugs effective against AIDS proved almost i mpossible because the virus according to scientist is said to shift from one place to another along chromosome and therefore difficult to target them.Due to the increased prevalence of AIDS there was a call for the pharmaceutical industries to respond fast and promptly to this life threatening disease. The development of new drugs involves a lot of processes and technology making them relatively expensive to for instance those people struggling to make a living in developing nations.The high cost of branded drugs has led to development of generic drugs which are less costly and have the same constituents.  Despite the high numbers of infections in developing nations, research and manufacture of new drugs whether branded or generic is in the industrialized nations mostly.For sure the pandemic has led to a lot of suffering especially to those who are diagnosed with AIDS due to stigmatization. The impact of AIDS to economies of developing nations is extensive leading to decrease in labor power. This is because of the fact that most individuals affected are young people leaving the work load to the elderly persons.ConclusionAIDS has infected only a small proportion of the world population but in many ways has affected each and every individual. It is therefore the responsibility of every body to help bring the suffering of the people and economies to a halt.The pharmaceutical companies also have a responsibility in ensuring that drugs developed for prolonging lives of the infected people distributed fast and promptly to them. With the help of scientists and researchers the pharmaceutical industries are also faced with the challenge of developing new drugs capable of curing the disease.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
How Milton develops Paradise Lost against Epic Tradition Essay
One of the passages in Paradise Lost is â€Å"Answerable Style†specifically the Genre of Paradise Lost wherein the main concern of Milton pertains to which genre must be chosen and not just a simple matter to seek the story’s perfect medium but the writer’s anxiety in placing himself with the poetic tradition known as old centuries. With his decision in writing an epic, Milton was able to place himself in the writers’ epic tradition like for instance the Medieval and Renaissance poets Dante. The content of the Paradise Lost is the classical and epic conceits in the Renaissance concerning heavenly beings with the possible interaction while using the epic similes as well as the places and people’s catalogues with muse invocations. This means that the themes’ content is usually common to epics like for example war, its nationalism, the empire and the origin stories. Another passage in Paradise Lost is â€Å"Things invisible to mortal sight†, which means the classical epics of gods and goddesses and the desires including disagreements are mirroring the human but that of Milton is omnipresent and also invisible. Milton’s God cannot be compared to any individual because of His existence. In Paradise Lost, the story was inspired by the heavenly muse wherein fallen humans are unknowable. God’s portrayal by Milton became the subject of such debate among those scholars as well as critics. Still Milton believes in God’s power and yet explains the foreknowledge of fall and yet human beings may even fall to temptations because of free will given by God to choose and made a decision for them. This is not comparable with those gods as well as goddesses in terms of the epics in classic because of different views and beliefs but still Milton has his own presentation in his belief with God.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Fate and destiny determine Macbeths outcome
Fate and destiny determine Macbeths outcome MacbethMany types of people exist in this world. A majority of those people believe in either free will or fate/destiny. All of these people make their own decisions, but how? Who tells them what to do? Or do they decide on their own? Whether or not fate actually exists is something some people spend their entire lives searching for. In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, the Weird Sisters act as agents of fate to show Macbeth the path he is meant to take and they succeed in manipulating him with their prophecies.At first, Macbeth is wary of the Weird Sisters and their prophecies. He wants to believe them, certainly, but he cannot trust the prediction. But after he discovers that the first part of the Sisters prophecy has come true, him becoming Thane of Cawdor, he begins to believe that he will be king. However, he hides this newfound glimmer of hope for himself from all those but his wife, who was quite possibly the worst person he could have told.Scenes from Shakespeare by Jo hn Gregory (1932) (SO...But he soon finds obstacles when Duncan names Malcolm as his heir. After discovering this fact, Macbeth exclaims: "Oh Prince of Cumberland! That is a step/ on which I must fall down o'erleap,/ for in my way it lies" (1.4.55-57). This begins Macbeth's decision to kill Duncan so he can become king, although the Weird Sisters never specified how he was to become king. They never once told him that he had to kill Duncan; he chooses to. Macbeth makes the choice to become king by killing Duncan. That does not, however, change the fact that Macbeth would not have even begun to think of being king without speaking to the witches. Like Cumberland Clark said in his book Shakespeare and the Supernatural, "Man still retained...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Choose Best Writing Services
How to Choose Best Writing Services Students Choose Best Writing Services The end of a term is near and you are in dire need of dozens of assignments to be done on time. Every day you think that 24 hours a day is not enough for you to deal with all the tasks, presentations, essay, etc. You are constantly burning midnight oil, but you are out of energy and ideas, then you need to find another way out. Take a minute and think of a neat solution to this issue. Yes, it can be solved with one click the â€Å"Order Now†button. Submit a request on and get an affordable paper within limited time frames. is a friend in need for thousands of students all around the world. We are a writing service that knows how to do deliver original and non-plagiarized papers on time. Students highly appreciate our team of expert writers. They know how to impress a teacher with an essay. The affordable essay can be ordered on , do not waste your precious time on this, ask an expert for help. Cheap Does Not Mean Bad Quality provides services for a lower price. Still, this is enough for us to pay our professional writers and not to resell the orders. The lower price does not mean that cheap paper writing is bad. Our company employs only holders of Master’s degree or PhD, who have minimum 2 years of experience working as an essay writer and come from the UK, the USA, Canada or Australia. Every candidate who wants to take a position of the writer should be a native speaker. Except for this, we ask the candidates to pass tests in grammar and vocabulary. Being a native speaker is not enough: a person should have perfect writing skills to be able to complete various scholar assignments. Affordable essay writing service gives students a chance to pay more attention to the subjects of their prior interest. You can master skills that are essential for your professional future, let us do the rest. Place An Order Within Minutes provides cheap writing service and lets you place an order really quickly. â€Å"Order Now†is a page where you should fill in your personal information and list all the requirements to the essay. Please do not forget to state the deadline and attach additional materials. This is crucial requirement, as a writer should see the whole picture and write an essay as wanted. The next step is to make a payment. The modes of payment and all the details are stated here. We give students a chance to get an affordable paper in the agreed time frame. Surprise your teacher with profound thoughts and original ideas. We give a 100% guarantee to deliver you a plagiarism free paper. So, if you still cannot make up your mind, take into account that you will get not only affordable essay on , but also a discount on the next order. Make your student’s life a little bit easier with our help. Our experts will do the best for you to get the highest grades for essays. Take chances, nothing is impossible in a modern world. Maybe you will spend some money but save enormous amount of time. In case you have any question, please contact our support team.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Mobility Management for LTE-Advanced Relay Systems Research Paper
Mobility Management for LTE-Advanced Relay Systems - Research Paper Example These different technologies can cooperate together In order to improve the user’s quality of service and granting mobile users the ability of roaming across different wireless networks in a seamless manner. However, the different characteristics of each wireless technology with regards to QoS brought many challenges for provisioning the continuous services (e.g. audio/video streaming) in a seamless way. In such a heterogeneous environment, to support mobile user’s requirements, a mobility management mechanism is a key issue. Index Terms Heterogeneous network, LTE-Advanced, Relay System, Vertical Handoff I. INTRODUCTION With the increase in demand and rapid development of wireless communication quality over the past 3 decades, the initial 1G has run into 4G with a high data rate and better mobility support. The 4G technique-International Mobile Telecommunications-Advanced (IMT-Advanced) systems include new capabilities that go significantly beyond those of the I MT-2000. Key requirements of the IMT Advanced systems, for instance, include improved mobility support and cell edge performance, increased spectral bandwidth and efficiency, reduced handover interruption time and reduced User plane latency and Control [1]. Considered as the main trend in future wireless communications, 3GPP LTE-Advanced has advanced features, for instance coordinated multipoint processing, carrier aggregation. It also considered as one of the top candidates towards achieving the IMT Advanced requirements. In 3GPP, high speed train scenario is agreed as the main scenario in Rel11 study item, mobile relay for E-UTRA. Here, when train rushes at a high speed the channel characteristics change and result in Doppler spread. Also the vehicles are vehicles are more crowded than other areas and therefore passengers are more likely to use high data rate services, for instance, browsing, playing games and watching videos so as to pass time [2]. The high data rate transmission requires strong signal strengths and high throughput, plus better mobility management, so mobile relay station for large vehicles are proposed for Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) system. A relay system may be mobile, which means it is a dedicated network node equipped on the vehicles to provide a fixed access link to those travelling on the vehicles. It is very suitable to solve the capacity gain of the high speed vehicles if it is well deployed. In a conventional cellular network, user equipment (UE) is connected directly to a Base Station (BS), and when a user moves away from the cell center, he/she will get less bandwidth which means lower data rates. However relaying technique has been introduced in 3GPP release 10 & 11 to allow establishing an indirect two-hop link between UE and BS through a Relay Node (RN). Relay nodes can also be used to spread out the cell coverage and increase the coverage outside main area (e.g. at cell edge). The two major challenges addressed in this c ontext are maintaining the throughput and ensure a seamless mobility and service continuity to all UEs. Hence, the objective of this paper is to develop, implement, and evaluate intelligent algorithms for next generation wireless communications systems with focus on throughput and service continuity. Specifically, the paper mainly addresses to the following aspects: Relaying in heterogeneous network, resources and mobility management. The rest of the paper is arranged as follows. Firstly, the overview of fixed and mobile relay system is given is Section II. In Section III, the paper presents a Handoff Analysis. Section IV presents a system level simulation and results. The paper concludes with section V. II. FIXED AND MOBILE RELAY SYSTEMS OVERVIEW A. Background
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